Animal of the world : 2020

Boxer dog

boxer dog 

Boxer dogThe boxer dog is one of the strong dog types and has been called by this name because of its tendency to play while standing on its hind legs and striking with its front legs. Between 25 and 32 kilograms and when the First World War arrived, they used it to keep and transport things and to attack and after the end of the war, the Boxer dog was taken by the soldiers and its fame began when people saw him on the streets, where the Boxer dog is a good guard and barks, which annoys people Sometimes he is also a smart dog, They understand the commands and this is what sets them apart from others groups of dogs because he is loyal to house owners, but sometimes he can be aggressive with other dogs or strange people.

The boxer dog is one of the strong dog types and has been called by this name because of its tendency to play while standing on its hind legs and striking with its front legs. Between 25 and 32 kilograms and when the First World War arrived, they used it to keep and transport things and to attack and after the end of the war, the Boxer dog was taken by the soldiers and its fame began when people saw him on the streets, where the Boxer dog is a good guard and barks, which annoys people Sometimes he is also a smart dog, 

They understand the commands and this is what sets them apart from others groups of dogs because he is loyal to house owners, but sometimes he can be aggressive with other dogs or strange people.

Among the advantages of a Boxer, it is characterized by its intelligence and its reactivity, during training the first thing that the trainer must work to attract the attention of the dog to obey orders, for example during training to sit, the dog must be in a specific position on the ground.
the kennel is not a place of punishment or confinement, but it is a place of rest and sleep like humans, because the door of the house must be open throughout the day, so that the dog does not does not feel imprisoned because it affects his psychic.

Boxer trainers can do things that improve their psyche, such as going out with the dog in different places or walking the dog on the street. All of these things help the dog improve his mood and focus, which leads to a quick response during exercise.

The Boxer dog crosses in Germany, where his body is characterized by being a bit short and huge, and colors have emerged after him, including fon, which is light brown or red, and the second color is white and prince, which is characterized by two colors, light brown and dark brown.

But there are some faults which concern the Boxer dog which wears a white color where it is easy to be subjected to sunstroke, and this can sometimes cause deafness or blindness and it is the creation of Almighty God , and the buyer must choose between these colors.




The  wallaby Bennett's is a member of Order of Diprotodonts, which means she has a pair of incisors in the lower jaw, facing forward and that the second and third fingers of her hind legs are combined with the exception of claws.

It belongs to the Macropodidae family. This word comes from Greek "macros" which means "tall" and "pode" which means "foot". All individuals have very strong back legs, equipped with long fingers and are suitable for jumping. Their front feet are small. This family includes fifty species, weighing from 1 kg to more than 80 kg.

Kangaroos and wallaby are only distinguished according to size and weight criteria: small species (less than 24 kg and less than 25 cm) are called wallabies.
Currently there are two recognized types of Bennett wallaby: (Macropus rufogriseus) and red-necked wallaby (Macropus Banksianus), located in Australia.

wallabylifetime : 12 to 15 years old
Average weight :Up to 27kg for a male and 16kg for a female
Sexual maturity: Around 2.5 years
Gestation: About 30 days
- Body length: 65 to 100 cm.
- Tail length: 62 to 88 cm.
- Male weight: 15 to 27 kg on average.
- Weight of the female: 11 to 16 kg on average.

wallaby has a gray-brown coat with a light ventral side. The neck and shoulders are red, the legs and muzzle dark brown. Its upper lip has a band of white hairs.
Its thick, thick fur is made of fine fibers, they act as an insulator by trapping a warm layer in contact with the skin.

His ears are wide. He can rotate them 180 ° and orient them as he wants, which is useful for picking up sound information from his environment.

Its front legs are small and thin, they end with 5 identical fingers. Their claw is short and powerful. They are used to catch items or defend themselves. The wallaby also leans on it when moving at low speed.

Its hind legs are long and robust, they are suitable for jumping. They end with 4 fingers each. Only their nail is independent. The claws of these 2 fingers make for cleaning the fur. The 4th finger is long and strong, its claw is an effective weapon against predators.

Its tail is long, muscular at its base. It is not prehensile (it cannot catch with it), but it serves as a pendulum.

   - when it wants to accelerate its pace, it leaps on its hind legs, its long tail then serves as a counterweight and rudder.

It has robust and sharp incisors which cut the plants. Its powerful molars then allow it to effectively grind fibrous plants.

The wallaby is a herbivorous vegetarian, it feeds mainly on herbs. Its diet may, however, include leaves and more occasionally roots, bark, fruit and berries.

This species reproduces seasonally in Tasmania: the majority of births take place between January and July. In contrast, in Australia, young Wallabies are born throughout the year.

 However, a delayed implantation can be observed in this species. If the external conditions are bad (drought, reduced food resources ...), the development of the embryo can be paused for 11 months before resuming and ending with the birth of a young.
- Time spent in pocket: around 280 days.
- Litter size: 1 to 2 small (rare).

The wallaby is not an endangered species, it is quite resistant and reproduces well. It does not benefit from protective measures. It is moreover considered as harmful in certain zones and its hunting is authorized. Its meat is then sold and consumed.



Sharks (mouse fish; ghost shark) include cartilaginous fish, a group of over 11,000 species, of which more than 400 are sharks. Most of these species are characterized by slow growth rates, delayed age at maturity and low fertility compared to bony fish. These parameters translate into a limited capacity to resist the stress of hunting and a longer period of return to normal conditions of overfishing.

There may be sustainable fisheries, but they need to be managed carefully, with no major results expected versus permanent. For centuries, fishermen have built sustainable sharks in coastal waters. The increase in fishing efforts and the extension of fishing areas in recent decades have raised concerns about the consequences of the collection of certain types of sharks in many oceans of the world. Many types of exploited sharks are retreating, and national legislation and international treaties have imposed protection on many due to their low maintenance status.

Sharks are hunted mainly for their meat, fins, skins, cartilage and liver. Shark meat is a component of the diet in many developing countries. The meat of certain types of fish is also distinguished by its high value in certain developed countries. Shark fins are the most valuable shark product and are used in the preparation of traditional shark fin soup, a delicacy in Chinese culture. Shark skin is consumed in many countries in Asia and Oceania after boiling it in water and removing its scales.

However, the most important use of shark skin is the leather industry. Shark cartilage is also used in the food industry, but its biggest cartilage market is pharmaceuticals. Shark liver is mainly used to extract oils and other carbohydrates that have been used in a wide variety of industries throughout history. Shark products are marketed merchandise. The value of world trade in shark products is around $ 1 billion per year.

World catches reported to the FAO since 1950 have tripled to their highest level in 2000, when they reached 888,000 tonnes. However, we can note that the catch decreased by about 11 percent (790,000 tonnes) in 2014. Although an explanation for the latter cannot be provided, there are some general factors which may have contributed to varying degrees and by connecting in different ways,Depending on the type of fishing and the geographic area, in these developments. Conservation measures were first taken in many national and regional fisheries management, these measures, if implemented, can reduce the mortality of sharks and avoid their bycatch and thus reduce the size of the catch. Second, catches decrease in many cases unintentionally and due to the general decline in the abundance of exploited sharks; this leads to a drop in yield even if fishing operations remain unchanged or even increased.

Sharks have the same five senses as humans. as sharks can see in deep areas where there is almost no light, due to the structure of the shark eye which contains a membrane at the back of the eye. This membrane is similar to the membrane in the cat's eyes, so it can see in low light .


house snake

house snakehouse snake

It may sound crazy, but there are people who like to breed snakes, and for that requires special settings, and before buying it, you must be sure that no other person in the house is comfortable with it. with its existence, and things must be taken into account before Also decide and breed it as a pet, since they are carnivores, which causes panic in some people.
So, if you've decided to buy a snake as a company, you need to know some tips that will help you reproduce it before the rush to get it. Some of the tips for are:

1-Choose the house snake:

Beginners are recommended to start with non-toxic and small snakes in order to facilitate handling, example: corn snake and ball python and royal snake

2- Know the risks:

when we talk about the dangers, we are not talking about the bites here. Snakes, like all reptiles, can carry serious illnesses such as salmonella, which can make you feel very sick, and at this point, it will not be a good idea to have a snake present. In the same place with children under the age of five, make sure they wash their hands after treating the snake and that you also wash your hands well.

3- Understanding house snake:

Snakes, by their nature, are solitary creatures. They don't like crowds or loud voices, they are alone in the places where you live. If you intend to own one, you should try to manage it to a minimum. Whenever possible, like most, they are not the sensitive type, but rather need human contact for five minutes a day to get used to, they like consistency and routine in everything until 'to food, so you have to stick to the same routine for feeding, changing water and cleaning. The chariot.

4- The  environment for house snake:

house snakeYou need to create the preferred environment in order to live and thrive in it, which means keeping the temperature and humidity at appropriate levels, so you should always check the resources as a good maintenance guide, to find the correct percentage in which the temperature and humidity vary, and as soon as Know the requirements of your snake, then its time will ensure that it has an appropriate and ideal environment, and the heat lamp is an excellent solution because it is a source of heat, because you can only use half the tank, but remember that the snake likes cold weather from time to time, and that thermal rocks seem nice but in reality they are not safe It is sensitive to snake skin, but if intelligently placed side by side with a bowl of water under the lamp, it can help achieve the required level of humidity.

5-  house Snake also like to play:

Always hide and seek is the favorite for snakes, because they prefer the hidden part, in its natural environment, they like to hide under objects as a process of camouflage, so it must from time to time make it fictitious in order to be less likely to rot or carry ghost germs.

6- house snake Dîner:

Always be ready for snakes like real carnivores, and they don't need easy prey if a big snake needs real prey such as mice or rats, it's easy to get some of these mice in pet stores, in fact there are Welden mice specially for this.
Fortunately, many snakes accept dead prey, you can keep two different dead age categories or buy them in frozen packages, and it's important to keep your snake dinner completely separate from your own food.

7 - Good cleaning:

As for snakes, it is easy to clean them, because their diet consists of meat. If you coat the tank with newspaper, for example, it will help a lot in keeping the place clean. You can also keep a bowl of water. Clean fresh water at any time, even your snake can drink or shower at any time.

8- Hibernation or non-hibernation:

It is normal for snakes to go into hibernation during the w

inter, and this is an important thing that you need to know if you intend to breed someone. If you decide to let your snake hibernate, it is best to speak to an expert first for advice, you will need to keep the snake inside Cold and dark room, but you cannot leave the snake away and l 'forget, but you will need to make daily visits to check temperature and humidity, and keep fresh, clean water daily.
house snake



The Macaque monkey

The macaque is a monkey that includes more than 20 species worldwide, it is ancient most are from Asia except one it is from North Africa, the macaque lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia Is in Sri Lanka and India and in the arid mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan and the mountains of Japan and northern China and also in Morocco and Nepal and some are suitable for living In the villages they are so smart that they are able to adapt to environments, even some of them are used to living with human beings. It is sacred in India that Hindus live and treat animals as a sacred object.

The characteristics of a macaque monkey

The macaque monkey is very strong, it has two arms and legs approximately the same length, and its fur is generally between brown and black, and its mouth is almost the same as the mouth of the dog, and the length of its tail varies with the type of monkey.
the length of the males is between 41 to 70 cm and weighs about 5.5 kg, while the females weigh up to 2.4 kg
As for the big ones, like the Tibetan monkey, the female weighs 13 kilograms and the male 18. These monkeys live in forests and plains, or between slopes and rocky terrain, each according to its type.
The macaque is an insatiable beast, in that it has a sack in the cheek that stores additional food. Males are the dominant breed, but they do not always stay with the herd, so it is the females who lead the herds
The reproductive capacity varies according to the species, some of which can grow by 10 to 15% per year if the conditions are appropriate. However, some species that live in the forests are considered endangered animals, and after a year of procreation, the newborn passes from childhood to the juvenile stage where the young begin to bond with their peers by the game, running and various activities, and they mature sexually when they reach the age of 3 to 5 years, and the females remain in the same herd, while the males tend to flock macaques have a lifespan typical Oscillated between 20-30 years

Macaque food

The macaque is mainly herbivorous, but some species also feed on meat such as insects, crabs, and macaques that live in the wild feed on more than a hundred species of plants, including buds, fruits, fresh foliage, bark, roots and flowers, and when the monkey is part of the people, it makes forays into agricultural crops such as wheat, rice, sugar cane and garden crops like tomatoes, bananas, watermelons, manga and papaya, it depends on what people offer them like peanuts, rice, legumes and even cooked foods.

Macaque monkey species

  • The seven species have a short tail in the Indonesian island of Sulawesi differ in appearance from the distinctive black macaque that lives at the north end of the island, and most types of macaques that live on the island of Sulawesi are threatened of extinction, while for the long-tailed macaque or the so-called crab-eating macaque in Southeast Asia, it has a brown face,
  • Rhesus monkeys are native to northern India, Myanmar, southeast Asia and eastern China.
  • The Formosa rock macaque is closely related to rhesus monkeys and lives in Taiwan.
  • Japanese macaques are the largest and most abundant muscles and have tousled hair, pink faces and short tails covered with fur.
  • Lion-tailed macaques, black and gray, with tail-tailed, endangered and found only in a limited area of ​​southern India
  • Pigtail macaques, which have a short curved tail on their backs and live in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, are sometimes trained to pick ripe coconuts.
  • The bukkoi monkey is found only on Mentawai Island in Indonesia.
  • The truncated-tailed macaque is a powerful monkey with shaggy hair and a pink or red face and a very short tail, living in the woods
  • The short-tailed macaque monkey, Father David's macaque, which lives in the mountainous forests of southern China, is generally confused with Stump-tail but is in fact associated with the long-tailed macaque Assam which lives in the foothills of the 'Himalayas and northern Myanmar, and there is also the hooded monkey and tuque macaque from southern India and Sri Lanka respectively and have hair on top of the head growing from its center.


Macaque relationship with humans

The relationship of the macaque with man is an historical and important relationship where a person has helped in many medical and scientific researches, because the antigens in his blood helped the doctors to identify the different types of human blood and these monkeys preceded man in space, and the macaque in general is widely used in medical research In the 1950s, crab-eating macaques were widely used in research that led to the development of the polio vaccine, and these monkeys have played an important role in research on cloning. Initially, scientists cloned the rhesus monkey through a process called nuclear transfer of genetic stem cells in 2001 and 2018. Became for the first Mkak monkey from Alsulton- cloned using a somatic cell transfer process.
These monkeys have also been used in particular in neuroscience, in particular in visual perception and the vision system, but approximately 73 to 100% of the macaque monkey carries the virus of the herpes B and this virus is not harmful to him, but if a person is infected, it can cause rare and dangerous infections which can lead to death. It is advisable not to take the macaque as a pet, and in Vietnam, the maca is eaten by some people.



The orangutan is a type of monkey known for its intelligence, has reddish brown hair and the anangutan is currently found in Indonesia and Malaysia, and it is found in the tropical forests of the islands of Borneo and Sumatra , and fossils have been found in Vietnam and China for the orangutan.
orangutanThe orangutan monkey is the slowest of all kinds of mammals in the world to reproduce. Females reach maturity at 10-15 years of age, usually giving birth only once every 6-8 years.

Men live apart from the group, except when paired, as they have no sense of family responsibilities. The calamity reaches sexual maturity at the age of ten, and the gestation period is less than two weeks from a human pregnancy, and the female gives birth to a single baby weighing about 1 kg, and continues to breastfeed for a year and a half. The animal can live 25 years.

Orangutans lead a coherent and social life leading the way, and the male exceeds the size of the female twice as heavily. When the male weighs 77 kg, the female weighs 37 kg and the length is four feet while the female reaches half that length. Its movement is distinguished from the swinging of the arms to the suspension to hang both arms and legs. And the male grows in the puberty period, cheek pads that play pads that protrude or extend in front of what looks like imperative blinders (be on both sides of the horse's eye to look forward ). The face is flattened, with arms longer and stronger than the legs, and that with both thumbs, the big toe of the foot is short with a large degree without a nail. It feeds mainly on fruits such as mangoes and figs, as well as insects such as ants and bees, and sometimes by eating leaves and tree branches and lives in the tropical rain forests, Sumatra and the Borneo Islands.

The two species of orangutans are: (orangutans of Borneo and orangutans of Sumatra) are threatened with extinction. They disperse the seeds of the fruits they eat, which helps replenish the forests. their presence means that the forests are healthy. When their number decreases, the same goes for other plant and animal species.

The salabis live in the forests of Borneo and Sumatra on trees, moving between the branches, using their long frontal. Its short hind limbs are relatively weak. The calf's body is thin with no tail, but its neck is thick. It moves slowly on the ground and rarely makes acrobatic movements, so that when it continues, it behaves quietly unlike the other monkeys. The size of the male is around 1.4 m and his weight is between 68 and 90 kg, while the female is smaller than that.

The orangutan eats fruits that make up 60% of its food, and the orangutan generally prefers figs because it is easy to find, and other nutrients include seeds, bark, insects and bird eggs.

The orangutan is one of the quarrelsome animals of the great apes, and it spends almost all of its time on the trees, making the nest in which it sleeps each night of branches and foliage, and it is one of the animals who live alone, because males and females only meet during mating, but females travel with their young until they reach, and it is considered a day animal and tree where it can climb large trees, and when it takes an adventure on the ground, it walks on all fours.

The orangutan spend their lives in the trees, but because of the felling of the trees to make room for development, they descend to the ground, the traders take them illegally is weak especially the young orphan orangutan orphan, they use them in the sale of organs and parts of their bodies. Illicit trafficking in orangutans and other species of monkeys can be found in zoos or as pets in special groups.

The orangutan is threatened due to the removal of forests from its environment, and the orangutan is disappearing at the rate of (1,000) per year, and there are (7,000 - 9,000) orangutans of Sumatra have died in recent years.


galapagos turtle

Galapagos Turtle

Galapagos Turtle
The giant galapagos tortoise is known as the tortoise of the island pinta, because it lived on the island of pinta or the island of tortoise, It is located 1000 km west of the Equator.

How many leftover types of giant galapagos?

Since the nineteenth century, the classification of the Galapagos giant tortoise subspecies has been the subject of experts, most of whom agree with the classification that distinguishes 11 of this race, 10 of which live in the islands of Santiago, Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Penzone, Espanolan and Isabella despite This number is also contradictory, and as many naturalists think that the number of giant galapagos turtles is very high.
the last turtle of this race, which was called lunisum george, died on June 24, 2012, although the giant male galapagos tortured with another female turtle and no turtle came out. Eggs.

Characteristics of the Galapagos giant tortoise:

The giant Galapagos tortoise has a solid bony shield with smooth skin, the latter is attached to the ribs thanks to a solid and secure structure because it is an integral part of the skeleton, tortoise with slow movement has clear growth marks.
the turtle's shell remains as long as the latter is alive, but with age, the signs of growth disappear from the shield, when the outer layer begins to erode, and when the giant tortoise feels a threat, it hides its long neck, head and limbs inside the shell. The Galapagos giant tortoise is distinguished by its long obese legs covered with a layer of dry skin. The front legs of the tortoise have five claws and the rear legs have four claws.
Due to the huge size of the giant tortoise, it is described as one of the largest reptiles in the world which can reach a length between (1.2 - 1.8) meters and it weighs on average around (270 - 300) kg. males have a curved or curved shield near the neck, the tail is longer and the shield is shorter than the female, because the male is larger than the female, where the weight of the female reaches (136 - 181) kg .

the Galapagos giant tortoise eats:

The Galapagos tortoise is a herbivore that eats mainly aloe vera, grass, lichens and fruits. The turtle can also eat manchine fruit and is one of the most toxic fruits in the world (called the poisoned apple). In addition, the giant Galapagos tortoise eats guava species, azolla plants, floating ferns and tilandia plants.
A giant Galapagos tortoise generally consumes (32 - 36) kg (70 - 79 lbs) of food per day, and it is digested with gusto, because the tortoise likes to eat the flowers of Opuntia, which are rich in water, so they remain alive without a source of water For a long time, on dry islands, the turtle has licked the morning dew on the rocks and, over the years, the turtle has made semicircular cavities in the rocks.
Galapagos Turtle

Mating Galapagos giant tortoises:

The giant Galapagos tortoise breeds all seasons of the year, although the highest breeding is between February and June, especially on the humid heights of the rainy season. Get out of their long neck, open your mouth and rise to the highest level possible on their legs.
The Galapagos giant tortoise during the productivity season tends to be aggressive, and often the male tortoise can bite other males, and when mating takes place, female turtles go to dry sandy beaches , and nesting is very exhausting work, and the female digs with her hind legs hole length 30 feet deep, laying about 16 solid spherical eggs.



The hyena animal refers to one of the mammals that belong to the hyena family, and it can be defined as one of the coarse carnivorous animals found on the Asian continent and the African and is distinguished by its used to collect waste. The hyena is distinguished by its long hands and its neck And a strong shoulder to tear and transport prey, and in addition to having feet that do not get tired, it has a pointed appearance, its strong hearing and its sense of smell which allows him to locate the meat; it is therefore considered a master hunter, and all types of hyenas are characterized as being more or less starch overnight.

I-Types of hyenas:

  • Spotted hyenas: Spotted hyenas are distributed over relatively large borders, living in the sub-Saharan and especially sub-African deserts. They are the most common predators in Serengeti.
  • Brown hyenas: This species of hyenas is distinguished by its very limited spread, as it lives in South Africa, including the Kalahari Desert and the Namib Desert, and is found between the borders of Angola and Namibia and the Orange River in southern Africa.
  • Striped hyenas: are more widespread compared to the others, and live in the north and the northeast of Africa, the Middle East and along the north of Siberia.
  • Land hyenas: There are two independent groups of this type, one of which lives in southern Zambia, Angola and Mozambique in addition to northern Uganda and Somalia, while the other species are extend from central Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

II-Hyena pet food:

The hyena stands out as one of the types of wild carnivores; therefore, it hunts and eats meat, that is, it processes meat from animals that have died before; and the hyenas live next to the lions; The hyena is characterized by a solid jaw.
It also feeds on large animals such as zebras and antelopes, in addition to fish, snakes, eggs, insects, porcupines, lizards and jackals. Hyenas also hide excess food in water holes and eat all parts of the prey, including bones and hooves.

III-Hyena behavior:

Hyenas is a mixture between dogs and cats, although they are more like dogs. this animal behaves in its attempts to obtain food and to kill. it is also distinguished by many life characteristics, while some of these behaviors are mentioned in different types:

  • Hyenas are very social and live in groups called tribes; a tribe can reach 80 hyenas.
  • The spotted hyenas are more violent and dominate in the tribes, which means that all the females have a higher position than the males in the tribes. The brown and striped females of the hyena are subject to male domination in the tribes.
  • Hyenas meet to mate outside the tribe, where males and females of hyenas mate after several days of courtship display, and the female hyena animal puts a number of young hyenas ranging from two to four young after the gestation period of 3 months.
  • Female hyenas share care of tribe youth, and other tribesmen can also provide food for cubs
  • The eyes of the cubs remain closed for a period of 5 days to 9 days from birth. The cubs prepare to leave the den after two weeks, despite their dependence on breast milk for the first six months and care for one year, they leave the mother at the age of two and extend their life Hyenas have between 10 and 21 years old.
  • Striped hyenas are distinguished by the fact that they look at the tailings individually, but they are not more than 9.6 kilometers from the water hole.

IV-Are hyenas considered dangerous for humans?

One of the types of animals that pose a danger is the hyena, which is distinguished by its membership in predatory animal groups, and it is able to attack and kill large animals, in addition to the fact that spotted hyenas can kill 95% of the prey they eat .
The idea of ​​looking for food in waste should not be generalized, as this fact applies mainly to striped hyenas, which makes the animal hyena very dangerous for humans and may give a first impression that it is a victim, and despite this, some people have managed to establish a solid relationship with the hyenas. they are family members who learn to hunt and train hyenas, and these people depend on this work to earn money by applying their tips on hyenas trapped in cages




the wild quail bird cautiously isolated on itself while it panics with fear under the protection of young plants, and when it is afraid, it flies in the air with a certain nozzle of the wings. Most quail are earth quail and their time is spent in wild places, with the exception of immigration conditions. The body of the quail contains flesh that is easy to chew, palatable and useful in the treatment of neurological diseases.

The quail's beak is long, pointed to suit the picking of small insects and seeds and suitable for cutting its food into small pieces. It can be a defensive weapon when another bird attacks it, the quail cleans its feathers with its beak.

The male calls out more than the female and  use a red bulb in the batteries to avoid attacks between quails. And to avoid this, you have to change the location of the birds from one cage to another.

The life of quail is 10 years, and quail need clean food and drink and a warm habitat containing sawdust. The female whitens at 38 days, the eggs weigh 12 g, the delivery period is 17 to 18 days and the quail has three cycles per year to lay.
The weight of quail glaucoma is around 8 kg per year, and glaucoma is used to fertilize vegetables and fruits.

I-Types of quail:

  • Japanese quail
  • Painted quail
  • California california quail
  • Bouquet of quail Bobwhite
  • There are two 14 inch long tail quail and two 4 inch short tail quail

II-Quail farming problems:

  1. Break the eggshell
  2. Difficulty examining the fetus
  3. Quail is more sensitive to drafts
  4. Quail have a less efficient thermostat than chicken at first

III-Nutritional deficiency diseases in quail:

Quail is infected with many diseases and pathological manifestations can occur as a result of a nutritional deficiency due to the imbalance of nutrients or the lack of vitamins in the diet. These diseases are prevented by adding vitamins and nutrients to the diet.

A-Vitamin A deficiency:


1- loss of feathers
2- Custom and Dalian are discolored
3- There are tears in the eyes with cheesy materials and they don't see other birds.

B-Vitamin B1 deficiency

1- The color becomes blue.
2- Muscle paralysis and weak legs.
3- the loss of Feathers
4- The head recedes, causing paralysis of the neck muscles.

C-Vitamin B2 deficiency

1- Nerve twitches of the legs

D-Vitamin C deficiency

1- Bleeding of the organs.

E-Vitamin D deficiency

1- The presence of weakness in the legs.
2- the loss of Feathers.
3- General weakness
4- Laxity in the joint and the beak.

F-Vitamin E deficiency

1- The quail seems weak and has closed eyes.
2- The birds remain in a stable position and cause nervous tension, which appears from the fifteenth to thirty days.

G-Pantothenic acid deficiency

1- Poor growth of residual chicks.
2- The appearance of crusted sores in the mouth.
3- The limbs and eyelids of the eyes are grainy and glued together using a substance formed in the eye.

H-Vitamin K deficiency

1- Bleeding in the chest muscles, leg muscles and wings.
2- May appear heavy bleeding in the abdominal space.
1- the snapper is covered in brown or black color.
Treatment: treated with vitamin K and copper sulfate.

J-Lack of manganese

1- The deficiency causes a tendon shift
Processing: Manganese sulfate is added at a rate of 180 to 240 g per tonne of food


arctic wolf

arctic wolf

The arctic wolf is known by several other names such as polar wolf, white wolf, snow wolf or wolf of the Melville peninsula, in English: (Polar wolf) It is scientifically known as: (Canis lupus arctos) A mammal is a subspecies of white wolves, but it is smaller than Gray wolves, whose size varies from about 100 to 160 cm, inhabit most areas of (Greenland, Alaska and parts of Canada ).

Information about arctic wolf:

In the life of this creature, on the edge of the polar lands, there is a strange contradiction, because the arctic wolf is forced to beg at the bear's table, and satisfied with what remains, it feeds on it, but in return, he can afford to be wrapped in one of the most precious furs in the world. Light, amassing and whitening in winter, and in terms of food and habitat, the polar wolf cannot honor itself at the same level, because it is forced to eat the birds and eggs at its disposal, rodents, crustaceans and organic remains of all kinds, just as he sleeps where he can sleep, provided he stays half asleep.

Arctic wolf productivity:

As arctic wolves lay eggs in late spring, ten or so puppies have gray-brown fur.

Polar wolf facts:

  • The Arctic wolf does not fear anyone and does not hesitate to infiltrate the reserves, or around the individual ice huts inhabited by the Eskimos. Under the burden of hunger, wolves steal all types of food and even a garment hides it.
  • At the end of summer, after the end of the serious hunting season, the wolf intends to shelter the hollows of the earth as supplementary food for the winter.
  • In the snowmelt season, it has happened that a arctic wolf gets lost on an ice raft, and most of the time it does not die by drowning, but rather victim of seas of eagles, or amber, the malicious predator.
  • It often happens that herds of Arctic wolves, polar bears join hunting trips, waiting for the remains left by the Antarctic titan, and it can happen that some dare, so close to the bear, that the latter n So don't hesitate to kill him.
  • Another arcticr wolf has a polar wolf, a great snow owl, one of the prowess with a terrible beak, a merciless claw, and even a quick escape does not help our wolf friend in his rescue from the attack of the ghost wheel.

Arctic wolves are made up of bundles that can include up to 20 wolves. The size varies depending on the availability of food. Arctic wolves are territorial land, but their land is large and straddles the land of other individuals. They mark their land with urine.
The polar wolves are believed to have evolved from a strip of other coasts about 50 million years ago. Scientists believe that arctic wolves were isolated in very cold habitats during the Ice Age. During this period, they developed the adjustments necessary to survive in the arctic cold.

arctic wolf

cow dairy

cow dairy 

In the past, cows weighed between 250 and 350 kg, lived an average of 7-10 years, and gave birth to a calf each year, and this period could range from two to three years.

Currently, cows weigh between 600 and 1,200 kg, live 10 to 12 years, give birth to a calf each year and produce about 9,000 liters of milk per season (10 months).

The duration of the oestrus cycle in cows is 21 days, the oestrus period lasts 18 hours and the gestation period is 9 months.

1-Milk production specifications:

A good quality dairy cow has a large mite: 12 to 30 kg (about 20 liters). This udder is complete at the age of 2, which leads us to say that the time to select good dairy cows is too late. In this case, we depend on the selection step. On the general condition of the wheel:

-The udder consists of 4 parts, each with a nipple. The length and diameter of this nipple are of great importance, especially in the process of mechanically milking.
-To produce a liter of milk, the quantity  of blood that must pass from the udder is estimated at 250 liters.
-The milk production stage begins immediately after work.
-Milk are lower than the last in terms of fat content, and for this it is recommended to milk the cows until the last drops.
-Morning milk is less fatty than evening milk, but it is more in quantity.
-It is advisable to create the conditions for milking until the cow feels safe, this increases the fat in  The milk, and it is also advisable to milk cows that produce more than 20 liters 3 times a day (increase the quantity of milk by 10%).

2-Influencing factors:

  1. The strain: A special strain must be acquired for milk production, such as Friesian or Friesian-Holstein.
  2. Indication of production: We note that there are two indications, one on the rise which reaches a maximum in a short time and the production approximately 30 liters per day, followed by a rapid fall in production to approximately 5 a and 6 liters per day and daily production continues low until it stops completely.
  3. There is another indication that it has a progressive production until it reaches about 20 liters per day and continues in this way and does not start to decrease until after the pregnancy has reached 4 or 5 months .
  4. Mating Age: Whenever the mating process was at an early age, production was good, but it depended on the weight of the cow, complete growth. Therefore, cows with high growth speed must be acquired for mating at the age of 21 months to give birth at the age of 30 months.
  5. The time between birth and mating: The time between birth and the date of mating plays a role in production. This period varies between one and two months. It is recommended to extend this period to 3 months for cows raised in a modern way and under advanced breeding conditions.
  6. Serial Number: the birth order number is linked to milk production. Between the first and third birth, production increases by 30% and that of the fifth by 50%. With age, this production begins to decline gradually.
  7. Food: it must be balanced, it contains energy (food units), proteins (nitrogenous digestive substance), mineral substances (sodium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus ...) and vitamins (vitamin A, D and E ...)
  8. The Quantity of milk production: This amount is known to decrease during free time (summer and fall) and increase during cold seasons.



        ColugoWith too much competitiveness, the forests have become the home of experts.

         the colugo an animal like no other, a rare animal when it finds it in some country in Asia with its exponential form, begins to be in danger with all that the Asian people practice custom and nutricial tradition.

        At the beginning, we will know who is this little creatur? his types? how to eat and of course discover its famous exceptional body unique in the world.

        His creature which feeds on the grass needs to move from one tree to another and it can be move up to 2 miles in a single night thanks to the patagium - a membrane that covers its body -, the latter allows it to move easily at night.

        Everyone believes that it is a flying squirrel but it is false! ! you can distinger it with the grouping of its hands and its feet and also its size which takes the shape of a kite, when it jumps, this creature and like the bats does not leave that night, flying lemurs or colugo represents the one of the two species of -Dermoptera-.

        There are two types of colugo: 

        -Galeopterus variegatus :the one living in indonisia, Thailand, malaysia and singapur sleeps at night in the middle of the trees rarely which lives in group, lonely mamifaire does not have an exact season of productivity, the female gives birth a single baby or two maximum after 60 days of gestation, the latter considered adult at the age of 3 years.
        -Cynocephalus volans: it is the second type of colugo, this type there lives only in phillipines, like the other types like all the galleopithecus are nocturnal
        their period of productivity c is in winter exactly between January and March, the female like the other types gives birth to a single colugo, during the first weeks the female carries the baby in the small pocket of her body.
        The two creatures can measure 75cm in length (all organs included) and a maximum weight of 1500 g including the tail.
        The only difference between the two mammals that Galeopterus variegatus its color is light gray compared to the flying Galéopithèque and its marbles are white.
        Unfortunately and according to some association, the two races in phase of extinction seen the distruction of its productiovity and its system of life knowing well the Asian countries adore ate its creatures.
        that is why, the world and national associations must take several restrictions in order to limit the extinction of these animals and among the restrictions;
        - Ban all dishes that contain this creature.

        - Put the animal in another country or continent to ensure its growth.

        - Put restrictions to prohibit hunting and that each person contradicts this restriction risks a penalty or imprisonment

        - Put up signs to avoid lighting the fire in the forest, where everyone who saw the fire should put it out or called the police.

        - Create zoological parks.

        - Implement programs for small children to make them aware of keeping their animal environment in shape




        shiba inu among the six original races of japan, and it is the youngest among them, with a strong homogeneous body.
        shiba has movements that resemble flowing cats.
        are body is the miniature version of Akita Inou, stubborn and smart, independent are the carteristics which specifies this creature
        shiba inu was bred in japan for hunting birds but unfortunately this breed has become prois for pigs, currently has become a creature known worldwide
        shiba is a name translated from brushwood while Ino ca means a dog in Japanese that is why all Japanese dogs have a common name -Ino-, Brushwood is also the place where all shiba inu was developed for hunting and hunting. collection of game and other prois of nature, this race with the same color of the fox
        shiba inu has a strong physical appearance c is a nice dog with two layers one very very thick and rough and the other dense layers smooth and luxurious
        Shiba Inu can grow 16.5 inches at arms level and can weigh up to 23 pounds at maturity.
        shiba Inu is generally described as an intact and strong dog, because it is slightly longer in the body than it is large, but nevertheless, it is not a small dog.
        Characteristics of custody and possession of offspring
        shiba Inu shares several bad qualities with Akita Inoue,
        for their training This requires a lot of socialization with other dogs at an early age, because playing properly with other dogs without playing the dominant role does not come naturally to them in particular. They can also be difficult to train because they feel bored They need an experienced healer who is used to train dogs of the dominant breed, which means that the first owner may need the help of someone with dominant training to help them.
        shiba have a strong hunting instinct, care should be taken when going out and make sure that the dog does not pose a threat to others. They also have a strong protective and guard instinct, visitors must be properly introduced to the dog and the dog must be taught kennels appropriate for their guard instinct.
        They can also be very annoying with their food and toys, a characteristic that is difficult to manage.
        shiba personality ,shiba Inu tends to be suspicious of strangers, so be careful when you leave or when people come to your place. It is not the kind of dog that does everything possible to introduce itself to people they do not know and invite them to play with it as mentioned c is a dog wary of a single error of a stranger can make him injuries.
        shiba Inu strongly associates his whole family and he will become very connected with the people who meet their needs. They need love and attention and participate in family life, otherwise they will be unhappy.
        They like to get involved in games with children, but again, they may not accept friends of your children they do not know, so you should take special care in supervising the children around the dog at all. time, teach the dog to respect and teach children the proper behaviors About the dog.
        shiba Inu is one of the oldest dog breeds and retains an appearance very similar to its historical form. Given their history and the vast sum of breed genetics, they tend to live quite a long time, with an age of 12 to 15 years, which is at the end of the lifespan of purebred dogs. pure as a whole.

        American Bulldog Puppies

        american bulldog puppies
        american bulldog puppies

        american bulldog puppies   is like all the other dogs faithful to his master, in spite of his physical aspect, the american bulldog puppies is close compared to other breed in United States, this breed can become very angry, if it feels that it is threatened or someone threatens his master.

        american bulldog puppies have a courage aspect, and they can be trained easily although this breed was made at the beginning for the compost competitions after this last was banned in 1835, The american bulldog puppies became the 1st friends of the man, the closest people to his dogs are the kids and the children, on the other hand The American bulldog can turn against his master if the latter punishes him without reason, and among these characters good memory, willpower.

        John D. Johnson developed the Bully type,. The first of the American Bulldog breed were registered by the National Kennel Club in 1970. their name was American Pit Bulldog. Then received the name of American Bulldog so as not to confuse them with the Pitbull. The American Bulldog breed has not yet been recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. the French American Bulldog Club was created in 1999.

        american bulldog puppies is a mix of pittbull and boxer, against The Britanian bullldog Puppies which is a mix of Masstef and China Bug.
        american bulldog puppies does not need to do sports because he is a restful dog, he spends all day on the couch or in his cabin while sleeping, he does not consume too much energy, this is the reason why he should not eat too much during the day for it to keep its shape therefore you have to take good care of it like:
        - brush your teeth at least once a day.
        -If you want to clean your wrinkles with a damp towel before using them again with a dry towel.
        - Must clean his eyes and protect them from any allergy.
        -Paint his hair every day.

         american bulldog puppies despite its large body medium sized , remains among the dogs most loss of immunity, because it suffers from an allergy, lack of breathing especially in the summer, a skin allergy, problems of articulation of the legs and knees, viewing problem so some Congenital malformation.

        american bulldog puppies needs a nutricion diet because it is  Prone to flatulence especially when he eats food that is not made for dogs, knowing that he eats his food without chewing c is why he has a degenerative allergy all the time
         american bulldog puppies life between 10 to 16 years their weight differs between femal and males:
        -Females: 27-45 kg ; 54-62 Cm
         -Men: 37-58 kg , 50 - 71 Cm
        -Origine : United States (Albama-Florida-Georgia)
        -Color : White, Brindle, Tan, Brown,Red
        -Caractere : Loyal.Strong,Kind, Freindly,courageous .

        -The average gestation time is 60 to 70 days, or about two months. This duration varies from one breed to another and can be shortened to around fifty days depending on the case.Muste be take care of the kids .
        american bulldog puppies